Blue Ridge Labs @ Robin Hood

Launch Fellowship Program

Build a venture to empower communities and reduce poverty in New York City.
Program Overview
The Fellowship is a 3-month intensive program that brings together technologists, experts, and community members to create technology that improves the lives of New Yorkers experiencing poverty.

Unleash your potential to solve poverty issues in New York City.

Codesign with community
Build with not for communities technology often leaves behind
Make a difference
Work on real-world poverty reduction projects
Access a network
Collaborate with other skilled individuals and organizations working on poverty reduction in New York City
Hear from those who have made a difference
Cat Xu – Product Fellow
“One of the most helpful parts of the Fellowship is the Robin Hood network and getting plugged into other organizations that Robin Hood funds - from nonprofits to charter schools to public institutions across the city. This instantly jumpstarted our research and ecosystem understanding in our early days.”
Wenimo Okoya – Expert Fellow
"The BRL Fellowship changed the trajectory of my career. I went from an individual contributor to a founder in 14 weeks. I know that the core of making change in my community is responding to their needs and creating a solution that solves the problem as they describe it. With my community and the support of BRL, Healing Schools Project was transformed from a seedling of dream to a reality."
Thomas Officer – Design Fellow
"What is it like to spend 5 months with talented strangers, surrounded by whiteboards, bashing your head against a problem? That deserves its own blog post. For now, let me say that it was chaos. Beautiful, exciting, frustrating, and ultimately productive chaos."

Join the fight against poverty

Who we're looking for
Applications are open to individuals with a background in tech. development, expertise in poverty related issues, or lived experience and a commitment to solving real problems communities experiencing poverty face.
Learn more about the 2024 Fellowship
contact us

We’re here to help.

Use this two-line block of text to expand on the idea being introduced in the headline above. Don’t make the text too long-winded though.

The final line should briefly sum up the idea.
How many individuals are accepted into the program each year?
The program accepts around 20 skilled individuals per cohort.
Is the program only open to New York City residents?
No, the program is open to applicants from all over but with a focus on New York City and its issues.
Will there be any form of financial support provided?
The program does not provide financial support, but participants may be eligible for stipends or other forms of support based on their needs.